Thursday 1 March 2012

The Yoga Studio…

A vibration in the vast hall like room that always pulses with energy. It’s a gym, so obviously many people come to jump around, groan in pain and grunt with effort. Obviously the energy here crackles during high impact aerobics classes. But.. I love the energy right now also. The room is so silent. It smells of people, no, of humans, in a nice way. Everyone is absolutely still. My eyes are closed as are everyone else’, I think. But I glance to check, a quick peek- yes, we are all supine, in a state of repose. The class today was grueling. My arms and shoulders ache deliciously and my whole body is filled with rushing, excited blood. I think I am dying with happiness. The mind, dazed but totally clear, feeling focused within, this is meditation I believe- on a micro level. I enjoy the micro level too. I know that the new, calm and benevolent me is going to fade away as soon as I step out, go down the three flights of stairs to the alley below, get into my tightly parked car and prepare for an onslaught of horns and brakes. The jostling, swerving deft avoiding of bumps, the whole stress of this frustrating, quick witted game that driving in Karachi has become, soon saps away your patience for mankind. My heartbeat will quicken, my mouth will feel even drier and what were deliciously loose limbs will become tight knots and twists.
But right now, trance like music, the setting sun’s glowing rays coming through the windows ( they are large and on both sides of the room.), the aromatic, cool water being squirted lightly on my face by the yoga teacher is sublime. Everything is perfect in this moment. I feel I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I feel a power inside my being. A strength, I’ve suddenly discovered. It can accomplish many impossible feats.

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