Thursday 17 May 2012

25th April 2012

Raahil’s first month

It is 5 am on the 25th of March, and I am in agony. As my screams reach a crescendo, my cries mingle with the voice of another; a new, young, high pitched one; angry , scared at entering a loud and aggressive world. We have been a team for months and months, closer than any two people could be. Now it is time to separate. a new bond awaits us. One full of confusion, sleeplessness, intense heart wrenching love and tears (both his and mine). My husband, partner friend of many years and I are no longer a couple, not just the two of us anymore. We are a family.

 I remember how I always told people about my obsession with morning time; with my freshly made hot breakfast, the stillness and quietness, the solitude. Up until a month ago, I had no idea how drastically things would change. How I would look back, sigh and bid a final farewell to all that. I think that all through those nine months, he had been, inside, wickedly planning how best to disturb my existence

Which he has. From the moment he’s entered my world, he’s turned it topsy turvy, the wrong way round, inside out. Every fiber of me is touched, disturbed, dismantled and it will never be the same again.

Gorgeous boy, your crooked smile just about melts my heart. Completely absorbed in a famished feeding frenzy, you suddenly look up at me to check I’m still there. That look of peace and security breaks me like nothing else.…

Maddening boy, no one told me what you were capable of; the temper, erratic fleeting moods, the disarming charm, the incessant desire to stay curled on one’s lap, the refusal to go to sleep, pee, feed at a given (or convenient) time or stick to any kind of routine whatsoever. Every time I feel I have you figured out, you throw a curve ball and look up grinning toothlessly, all helpless and innocent.

I don’t have one minute to myself, even if it’s just to lie around reading Harry Potter; not even one page (me, who had the luxury of finishing two books in one sitting). Every time I pick up a book, the remote or take the first bite of my favorite meal of the day (any meal in fact), I hear a rustling. A pair of tiny fists attached to plump rounded arms are seen; the beginning of a cry for attention and I know that food, recreation, sleep and me time must all sit back twiddling their thumbs as I submit to my lord and master’s demands.

Sometimes in this past month, I get panic stricken and think ‘where did my life go?’
Those times are slowly becoming less frequent

It’s difficult for those feelings to find their way to the front when others are already there. Like the inexplicable peace that comes over me when a tiny warm body is all snuggled up against me, head on my shoulder, trusting and vulnerable. When I’m giving you a bath and you suddenly cease the screams of protest, you look at me curiously, beginning to enjoy the warm water but suspicious of the outcome of this pleasure. I’m amused (and relieved) at the doubtful truce.

Most of all it is the huge wave of fear that envelopes me. How on earth can I keep him safe, alive? ‘What ifs’ abound in your mind; from what if I drop him, to what if he suddenly stops breathing... and goes away. It’s devastating.

Angry little man, you yell and scream and whimper when we are together. But when you’re away even for a few minutes, I start to miss you. I miss your pointed double chin and long white delicate fingers. The turning of your head from one side to the other, looking for me/food. I miss how you’ve started to follow me with your eyes or how you turn at the sound of my voice. When I am alone (which is seldom) I can recall the sensation of your satin soft, round legs and tiny feet poking out from the sheet. You’re like a love affair recently started; the passion of a lifetime. I can feel myself getting lost in you.

Frustrating one moment, demanding at another. Often very annoyed and displeased with me. I can’t help being so ineffective, I tell you. I cannot understand what you need, and it makes my heart twist in anguish when you look at me with eyes seeking my help and comfort. At other times I want to hand you over or share the work with others, but the moment someone else takes you, I get anxious, I get jealous. I feel uneasy and bereft.

 It’s going to be an arduous journey my son. I know it won’t be easy to steer you in the right direction by use of sheer command. You are strong minded, too intelligent to be dictated to without the use of reason. But I know you. Once your attention is captured, when you are treated with respect and understanding, you will choose what the right path is, you’ll probably be the one leading others. I can see the aspiration in you to forge ahead into unknown lands and live to the fullest every moment life has to offer. After all, you are the son of two rather adventurous people!

I wonder how we will get on. Is it going to be a clash of wills? Probably. Constant worry, tension and frustration? Very much so. But an exciting adventure, a journey of laughter, drama? You can count on it.

What a romance lies ahead for the three of us! Every moment is anticipated. Already, time is flying by. You are a month old; a ‘newborn’ no longer.
Only a month old, and you’ve already started to take charge.

We never expected less from you. Raahil Abbas is set to take the world by storm and everyone better wake up and keep up.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

A warm embrace, lapping me up, challenging, bestowing. It draws me in in comfort, then scares me with a hint of danger. 

Swaying you gently in its lap. You float up and moves you forward in a welcoming embrace then pushes you back to shore in rejection.
 Emerald, aquamarine, turquoise azure, metallic silver, even pearly white, so enticing and sensuous, so irresistible you can’t help but be sucked in. 

Dazzling me inside your pristine clarity, housing so much enchanting life, color, and motion, a world unknown, never to be fully known. 

Captivating me with fiery corals, electric blue, butter yellows, hot frothy pinks and designs never before seen in our dry world.

Yet I still feel apprehensive. You are so turbulent, high spirited. A feminine spirit ruled by your moods. How to understand and then love you fully? 

You confuse me, you mesmerize me, confound me yet I can never be without you. 

Now that I know your inner soul, your depths, I desire you more now than ever before, yet still know less of you.